For your convenience, our most common customer questions are answered right here.
Q: How long has JSV Lawn Care Service been in business .
A: We have been in business since 1997.
Q: Is JSV Lawn Care Service licensed and insured.
A: We are licensed as a business in the State of Maryland, and we care a general liability policy thru Erie Insurance.
Q: Do I have to be there to get a estimate from JSV Lawn Care Service.
A: No one needs to be home to get a estimate, just makes sure that we know the complete details of the work needed, and that the gates are accessible. If the estimate is for inside work, then we will schedule a convenient time to meet with you.
Q: Does JSV Lawn Care Service have a Maryland Home Improvement License (MHIC).
A: For mowing, mulching, clean ups and general yard work, we do not need a MHIC, for Home Improvement work, siding, roofing, decks and other work of this nature, we use George Sheppard of Sheppard Contracting of New Market Maryland as our MHIC Contractor. We have know George for over 30 years and they have perform several hundred jobs for us, with great results.
Q: Does JSV Lawn Care Service offer accounts with terms.
A: We do offer in house accounts, with monthly billing, we will offer accounts for most customers after meeting and discussing the needs and terms.
Q: What payment forms does JSV Lawn Care Service accept.
A: We accept, Cash, Checks, Money Orders, Zelle, Cash App PayPal.
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